Copyright and Terms of Use


At The Unified Wolves we take copyright and data protection very seriously. All of the business related content and some of the images on these pages we create ourselves and unless stated otherwise is ©The Unified Wolves, 2018. All Rights Reserved. We also use third party images and when we do so, we ask for permission (see “credits” below) or we use material that we know we can use under licence. When we use material under licence, we use according to the licence terms and credit as required.

Please contact us if you come across any content on our website for which you are the rights holder and for which you believe we do not have the appropriate permission to use. In this case, we will kindly request that you tell us why you think we may have misused an image and also provide us with information that you are the rights holder/have the authority to act on behalf of the rights holder. If, for any reason we have made a mistake, we will gladly put it right.

As well as running a business, we also want to support the community and particularly the sectors that we work with. So, wherever possible we try and make our resources and news posts available for you to use and reuse freely under the terms of a Creative Commons, Attribution, Share Alike Licence. In these cases, we always indicate on the resource what you can do with it.


Apart from crediting in association with the images as they appear on this website, we also wish to acknowledge various contributions to this website.

Free-Photos from Pixabay

Ray Hennessy from Unsplash

Ezzidin Alwan. Celebrate Enterprise, Kingston University 2018

MonikaP from Pixabay

Patrick Hendry from Unsplash

Skitterphoto from Pixabay

Boudewijn Huysmans on Unsplash